I took a picture of Imad using a white background which i then edited it to add effects using photoshop and used the same picture for all 3 pages of the CD case. One page is missing as the background behind the CD will be left blank white. I added quotes from newspapers and journalists on the second page as he is a new artist and would need the promotion to convince the audience to buy this album. We used the same picture throughout the whole album as we decided to go for a simplicity effect, using T.I - No Mercy album as an example; his album only has a picture of him on the front cover and the rest are plain black backgrounds.
By Ridhwan
Our Final Print Tasks

After having a group meeting we decided we should all create our own Ancillary tasks and have a few students look at them and decide which one they thought would go with our video. The students had decided that both the pictures we thought were best suited would look great with the hip hop genre.
Research into CD covers
A digipak is a case for holding one or more CDs or DVDs; this is made out of thick paper almost cardboard like CD package. The paper is a folded one piece section and the CD rests in a normal plastic tray.

The name of the group stands out fully as the most dominant aspect of the cd cover. The costumes used here are very similar to the stylings in their videos, this is something we will consider when we make our print tasks, making sure that Imads costume reflects his image in the video. The style of the font is like a graffiti which relates to the style of music and genre. The only other text on the front is the name of the album which bold and plain and pictures of the artists.

This is an example of a digipak. Here is Chris Browns album where he is wearing a suit with his blazer over his shoulder. He is going for the casual look, this is stereotypical look in RnB. A typical location of a Hip-Hop/R&B video is usually in a city, as you can see, behind Chris Brown in the background you can see city skscrapers and he's on top of a high building. He might have chosen this so the audience can see the city from a higher angle, establishing the location. Its set at night making it seem like a romantic atmosphere, so the audience would straight away decode that its about a girl. Once again like the N-dubz cd cover the only text here is the name of the artist and name of the album. Chris brown is shown as being quite serious and sophisticated, this is a convention of RnB artist where they show there street side and also classy side. We would like to show a variation like this in our print tasks to show two sides of Imad.
This is an example of a hip hop album, for our album cover we could consider using a similar template.
Magazine research

It was very difficult to find magazine adverts of our genre as they tend to be promoted in other ways. However from the ones we did find this is a breakdown of the conventions:
- includes a picture of the artist in the centre
- features tour dates
- star rating sometimes appear
- outlets where the album is available
- sometimes links to the artist blogs or website
- quotes or reviews publicizing the album
As we was not able to find magazine adverts for the videos we researched it was hard to comment on the connection between the album style and the advert. However we have decided that there will need to be a link in order for the audience to recognize the cd when they go to buy it.
Just like the others only the artists name and album title are shown on the front cover with the artist name being the most dominant. This album also has parental advisory because of the language used, we would not need to worry about this as Imads songs are non-explicit. However in terms of the style, black and white or dark colours tend to be the colour scheme.